Sunday, March 31, 2013

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Oh, and I got into this REALLY prestigious fashion show competition between Parsons and FIT called Fusion.

It's cool.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Meetings with Ms. Becker...oh, and I like, made a dress

Yeah, I know, SHOCK. I stayed home yesterday and actually got work done. I freaked out, too. I freaked out so bad that I ended up driving to Worcester last night at midnight because I was so confused about when I had actually gotten GOOD at this. This fashion thing, I mean. It's like I got lazy and motivated all at the same time...and it FREAKED ME OUT.

So the dress I...patternmade is Juli Spier's dress. It's one of the poofy skirted looks--the only dress with the poofy skirt, actually--and it's got a lowish cut swooping v neck. It's got the same bodice as my evening gown, which excites me because I HAVE SO MUCH LESS WORK TO DO THAN I ACTUALLY THOUGHT, and the fact that I've also basically completed three of my bottom halves is kind of sick to me, since I've already completed three of the others...basically. Then I just have draw string pants to "worry" about, and the bottoms are finished! ...with the exception of my gown...which I should do...yeahhhhhh

But the top was SO much easier than I expected! Like, SOOOOOO much easier! And it LOOKS GOOD. Okay, I think I'm done with caps for a while now.

And the model thing seems to be working out...although I should talk to Mister K at some point and grab the auditorium for some show rehearsals...yep, that sounds like a good idea. A very good one.

Oh, and Calvin Klein owes me $148.

Friday, May 15, 2009


So I'll bet it's fairly obvious that I have not written in this in quite a while...QUITE a while. Basically, I'm starting to work on my fashion line now...and I'm NEVER going to be able to finish it on time, which really, really sucks. I'm trying to make only about 14 or so pieces...but that's two pieces a day, if you counted correctly (my presentation is June 1st) and if you take into account--my jobs, dealing with the student show (UGH) trying to set up the EVERYTHING for both shows (note to self: GO SEE MISTER K), dealing with Ms. Taub, dealing with the obligatory irrelevence of the requirements that WISE has set out (BOOK REPORTS?!?!) and the fact that I live in freaking Ashland now (thanks Mom)--I'm never going to get this sh...tuff done.

Anyways, I've been reading a bunch of fashion magazines for my reading...and this season kind of sucked. Everything is so dark and...I have to go to work...finish this later!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

For Once In My Life

I'm going to Parsons next year. I should really be more excited than I am right now, but I lost someone. By his choice, not by anything bad. He just...can't see me anymore. Nor I him.

I saw my grandparents over Easter. They're paying for a large percentage of the tuition, so they feel like they can really ride me for this. Not gonna lie, they can. They said that they wouldn't give me a DIME until they saw my first semester grades, which means I really have to work my ass off while I'm there. I'm scared though. I'm scared that I just won't be able to keep up. I'm finally going somewhere where effort, although appreciated, really takes a backseat to quality. And results. And while I can generally produce both, producing them together, under stress, is going to be damn hard. Not that I'm too scared to try, but I am scared.

I miss Hugh.

Today is Day of Silence. I feel wrong typing this...I feel wrong in general.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I love New York...but Parsons hates me.

So I went to accepted students day at Parsons this weekend, and honestly, I would start classes there right now if I could.

First there was this very awkward breakfasty kind of thing, during which I met these two girls...I only remember one of their names: Carmen Ortiz, who has yet to accept my facebook request on facebook. Carmen, if you're reading this, ACCEPT!! But anyways, we got free Parsons tote bags and t-shirts for like...the reason that tuition is RIDICULOUS. During the following presentation, they actually joked about it, saying like, "Okay, we're going to read off some names to help offset the financial burden! ...with free sweatshirts!" During that pause I suspect there was supposed to be laughter...but no, everyone got tense and their eyes bulged. They were like, "Oh, shit, right, recession...$55000 price of attendence...*gulp*." I honestly believe they should have given EVERYONE a sweatshirt for that lovely misstep. But one of these boys I sorta became friends with got one, so it was pretty a'right.

Then they took us on a tour of the fashion building, first serving us an AMAZING lunch--they really made everything wonderfully comfortable, even renting out some pretty nice busses to chaffeur us between the buildings. They showed us the fashion curriculum, promised we'd want to kill ourselves afterwards, told us we'd been eating lunch in the room Project Runway was filmed, sent us on a tour of the building, then we went back to the first building, where I sat through a presentation on housing while waiting for Brendan--my ex who goes to school in NYC--to show up so I could meet his roommates. My mother went to a financial aid consulation, and came back with puffy, red eyes. She'd apparently started crying because they told her we'd not be getting any financial was heart breaking.

I'm listening to "What You Want" from Legally Blonde: The Musical...and I'm getting ready to kick some ass on scholarships. I'm going to Parsons, and I'll be damed if someone dare tell me otherwise. Fuck FAFSA--I don't need assistance. I got enough motivation to get myself through this.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Internship: OVER

AND JUST AS MICHELLE OBAMA MIGHT START BUYING THEIR CLOTHES! No, seriously, her hairstylists come from the salon that is right next to the boutique in D.C. that has been SHOVING Sara Campbell clothing in the window of their storefront for the past few weeks. It's only a matter of time before one of those fruity little gay boys starts gabbing away ;D

But really, I am kind of sad--this internship has been the one (well, not THE one) source of pure happiness for me in what has been kind of a depressing time in my life. I'm going to miss hanging out around so much fabulosity every Tuesday. Kay seemed pretty sad over it, and she kissed me on the cheek and wished me good luck and offered me sewing instruction when I left. She's really been a great boss--kind and helpful, but at the same time she didn't let me forget that I was playing on her turf and during her time. She demanded responsibility and thoughtfulness whenever I was there, and she made sure I knew that. If you read this, THANK YOU KAY!!

Monday, March 23, 2009


So I got some financial aid from Parsons today--loans that added up to $5500 for the first year. However, reading on in the letter, I learned that instead of each year costing me around $34000, as I initially thought, each year was going to cost around $55000...meaning that these loans basically did nothing.

My family doesn't have that kind of money. I'm getting $44000 from my grandfather for all four years, and something like $20000 from my father. The trustfund laid aside by my maternal grandfather is now only at about $14000, and even if I wait until the stock market wakes up, it was only about $60000 to begin with. That puts me at a grand (heavily optimistic and unlikely) total of $124000, which is $100000 short of what I need....I might be able to get $10000 in schloarships if I'm DAMN lucky... I just have no idea what to do...

Basically I have to quit my internship. I'll be telling Kay tomorrow. And then I'll have to put myself on the GAP schedule all week long--if they even decide they want to schedule me.

And as far as my WISE project is concerned...