Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Far Away, Far Away

I cannot really believe I YEARNED to come back here for the entire time I was gone for Christmas Break. Honestly, nothing's changed, except the rate at which people are starting to hate me has picked up again...whatever; I'm probably wrong, as I always seem to be in this manner.

For some reason, I just cannot bring myself to reclaim that energy that usually trumps the sadness in me. I suppose it has something to do with my fairly stressful day (I broke some random black piece of plastic off my dad's car going to visit this kid, who's really a sweetheart, but if our friendship can work out somehow, I'll be really amazed), and then I found out another little piece of information that just nauseated me a tad, but I'll probably just require some sleep to be rid of it. I need my energy back: I miss it.

Anyways, I've been writing this fashion thing for my bahhhlawwwwg, and I should have it out just as soon as possible. I know that no one reads this, but I feel like I should be writing as though I were addressing someone. Maybe that's why I ignored this thing for so long; I HATE writing things to people. Whatever, I'm going to sleep so I can get something peppy in here tomorrow.

Oh, and Happy New Year.
