Thursday, July 17, 2008


Seriously, it's why I'm still awake at 3:30am on a Wednesday posting a entry on this poor bastard of a blog. So creepy.

Something else I find creepy--this blog/profile has had FOURTY-SEVEN views (count'em: viewviewviewviewview-viewviewviewviewviewviewviewviewview--you get the point) and not one comment. It reminds me about how someone told me that one of our mutual acquaintances had been reading my facebook wall-to-wall with my boyfriend. I hope I never find out in either case: I can deal with creepy, just as long as I don't know that it's going on.

Anyways, I've just had a marvelously fashion past two days. I finally started sewing another of my original garments (although I still have yet to put the lining into my first coat...I have to fix that coat...) only this time in the form of a dress. I screwed up the pattern. It hurts, coz I lost the original piece. I have to finish a portfolio by November! Shit, I have to actually show that I'm naturally good at this!

I should write in this more often; it's quite lovely.

I just finished reading "What Happened to Nancy", by Anonymous. It was really sad toward the end. The end wasn't sad though, strikingly enough.

After that useless bit of information, I'll get onto Project Runway 5, AuNTM 4, and Project Runway Australia, now. That's why I signed on in the first place--I was commenting on ProjectRungay! Love that site...

First, we have the cast of characters from ProjRuns this year. I say characters for a reason--Bravo obviously took note of the snoozefest that was last season (despite the most talented top 3 EVER) because they just grabbed a bunch of fashion students this year. Seriously. Well, except for that Asian guy who got canned last night, but he's too almostfamous for the show anyways. That'll be what I call him from now on--almostfamous. Whatever, his "look" resembled a superhero axemurdered who had an alias as a nursing home cleaning lady.

She doesn't look very happy about it, anyways. The thing on her head just screams maid, no? And he KEPT IT ON! Whatever. He was almostfamous, anyway. The other horrendous things about this have to include the gloves, the awkward--and kind of creepy--cape, the make-up, and let's not forget the fact that this man was CLEARLY trying to rip-off Louis Vuitton. Someone should have told almostfamous here that if it almost doesn't work for Marc Jacobs, it doesn't work for ANYONE.

But then again, what's ProjRuns without a little catastrophic bullshit?
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you NOT-licious, the Siriano wannabe:

Anyways, I'm going to get down to what I call Gorg and Gags--guess what it is.

GORG:For me, a large bunch of "Gorg" garments is definitely a good sign. Unlike last year's first challenge--which had very few items worth mentioning, honestly--this team put together some truly creative and interesting garments. I initially had four of these, but I narrowed it down to what I believe were the two best. The other contenders were: Keith, Daniel, Joe, Wesley, and Terri--for her weaving.

First off, Korto: FANTASTIC. My favorite from the get go, and it only got better. You've got hand it to the girl, with all the resort collections coming out, this looked like it could have come straight off Furstenberg's runway. Granted, the trim at the top makes the dress, and something similar and more durable would really be necessary if that garment were to ever be sold in stores, because the bulkiness at the top makes the dress seem more...wearable, to tell the truth. Girl knows balance, that's for sure. We'll let "Veggies" keep her real name, since this week she wins the GORG of the Week Award.
Then there is Kelli. I'm really happy that Sweet P could get her little sister on the show! And then the girl won a challenge! At least SOMEBODY in the P household could score one! Honestly, the dress is adorable, and it was nice to see someone dye-ing for the first time since SEASON ONE. Questionable boobies, though.

Skipping what I call the "Filler" looks, I'll just get down to "GAGS".

GAG: Enough has been said about Jerryalmostfamous, so I'll just give him a slap in the head for making that poor, sweet, anorexic model think she's fat, and be done with him. He's going home. Jerry, along with Emily, Stella, and Jerrel, was also a contender for Gag of the Week.

Now, I don't have anything against Cowhide's dress when I first look at it, but then I consider one thing: HIS NAME IS FREAKING SUEDE. If you must insist on having a name like that, please, also be amazing and don't just staple confetti onto a tablecloth, sew it up the back and call it a dress.

Honestly, I can't figure what is worse--the albino beaver that has been flattened against his excuse for an article of clothing(WHAT THE FUCK IS IT SUPPOSED TO BE, ANYWAY?), or his delusion that he will be the next Christian. Because, NOT-licious, Christian was there for the clothes, not the attention whoring. NOW GET THE FUCK TO WORK and STOP IT with the "girlicious" nonsense, because your dress just won my GAG of the Week Award.

Anyway, Alex should have won AuNTM, because Demelza is a bitch.

Watch Project Runway Australia. It's on YouTube. I'm tired.